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Family life is different for everybody

by Margaret Cortez

Having fun while together as a family doesn't have to be complicated A great way to improve your family fun is to play games together.

Good family games include UNO and Skip-Bo. Telling jokes is an easy way to get the family to bond. Not every family has funny people in it. Don't worry though, that's what cartoons can be used for.

Sit down, and read a the Sunday funny paper together with your kids. They say that laughter is the best medicine, and I would say that laughter also helps families focus on what really matters.

Entertainment does not have to just come from your television set. If the weather is nice, go outside and play games in the yard! Whether that's a quick game of tag, throwing a ball around, or any number of yard games, your family will appreciate the time and attention.

Another option for fun family life is to go to a neighborhood park, and play on all the great playground equipment. If the weather is bad, a trip to a local library may be in order. One can find books for all ages, and most libraries even have movies or TV shows to rent for free!

Another bad weather way to spend time with your family is to go to a children's museum. Laughter is sure to be the result of all the great things that can be done there. To summarize, family life can be a rewarding, fun and enjoyable portion of your day!

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