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Family Moments with Christmas Puppets

by Jen

Our then two year old daughter helped us to set up the Christmas tree and put up decorations. It was the first year she actually understood the concept of getting gifts on a specific day.

She kept asking how long it was until Christmas, not really understanding the concept of it being days away. All she understood was "Later".

While my daughter was napping, I finished the set up by myself. Having her "help" seemed to add to the effort involved. The last touch was to put out the Christmas stockings. Later that day, my daughter wandered in to look at the tree again.

Then she screamed, “Puppets! Mommy, new puppets!” She then ran in with the stockings on each hand. "Santa brought me puppets!" She then proceeded to jump up and down and run around the house with her new “toys”.

Her new puppets went to meet her other puppets. “Mommy,” she finally came to ask, “These don’t look like my other puppets. That’s because they’re only for Christmas.” Squealing in joy, she then ran off for a Christmas puppet show.

Children take pleasure in all discovery. One of their greatest jobs is finding gifts when adults may only see burdens. I did have her write a thank you card to Santa, though. That went into Daddy’s stocking for Christmas day while she learned that her Christmas “puppets” had one more gift to bring, holding candy for the holiday.

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