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Kids - The Standing Pillars of the Nation

by Zelma Fox

Kids are the standing pillar of the nation, they are the future presidents, leaders, lawyer and what professionals do now.

The demand of the children is very minimum, where we can easily fulfill their needs. The kids normally have a playful character and they are not aware of any family problems. They understand a loving family and one that is not.

They love chocolate and ice cream and junk food but they don't know the effects of eating crap. The parents usually know about the effects and normally parents don't allow their kids to eat ice cream and chocolate all the time.

Parents usually understand the mentality of the children. They can get their children to speak up clearly and voice their view and opinions, parents should take notice accordingly.

The school and college should be selected to the kids liking. The institution must offer value based on education and the must teach good learning skills.

Leadership qualities are very much needed for the children's future. They must be practice leadership from childhood itself so that they can grow in life with flying colors.

The interest and the opinion of the kids can be obtained by surveying the INTERNET, television, radio, etc. It is the duty of every parents and teacher to get the kid's opinion and change accordingly if needed.

The expectation from the kids is normally high from society, they are dependent on everybody in society. Children are not aware much of the religion. They can differentiate themselves by means of their friendship not by their religion. They don't fight for religion and they fight only for the silly reasons.

The kids must develops more creative writing, they must read bed time stories for a good grasp of the English language. In today's world the parents don't often listen to the opinion of their kids. Parents think that kids must obey their rules and regulations. My suggestion is to give the children equal rights - no matter how small they are.

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Dec 10, 2010
Listen To Your Kid Please - Don't Ignore!
by: Anonymous

Yes, I couldn't agree more. It is vital to listen to your kids and what their opinions are; it could be about all sorts of things, especially what they are involved in currently.

Kids should have opinions about politics, religion and especially education. What? Did you say kids were too young to have opinions about these subjects? Rot! No kid is too young to know about these.

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